Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What You Should Know Before Buying A Smartwatch Under $50! (India + U.S.)

if you're looking to buy a cheapSmart Watch for about $50 or less here are a few things to know before gettingone this list is going to be based off of the watches I've tested number onetether and untethered a tethered SmartWatch is one that requires yourphone in order to be able to make calls and view your text messages anuntethered watch does the same thing but this time it gives you an option toinstall a sim to be able to use it as a standalone watch to make calls and textsnumber two keep expectations low I've seen people commenting on my videosexpecting these watches to work like the Moto 360 or galaxy gear these are a lotmore limited on functionality because you won't be able to customize it muchand you're stuck with all the apps that comes with because there's not an appstore unless if it's running Android you could try to find out and see if vxpfiles are compatible with this watch which can be downloaded online numberthree different versions if you want to review for a thirty dollar watch that'spopular the watch though is shown in the video may not be the exact same versionof the watch when you try to go and buy online some of the features may havebeen removed or even enhanced but the problem with this is number four lack ofsupport let's take the DCO non watch for example when I made my original reviewvideo it came without whatsapp Facebook and Twitter but it had a radio thenthere were other versions that started coming out with only three or two ofthose apps but no radio and the problem was that the sellers didn't know whichversion they were selling when you ask them if there's a feature that you'rehaving trouble with there have questions and it's going to be hard to findanswers but there's a subreddit I created where you can post anythingabout budget smartwatches link will be down below number fivenot all sims are compatible let's look back at the dzo 9 watch there were somany people that couldn't get their sim to work including me supposedly 3g simswere supposed to be compatible for it but only certain types of sims wouldwork like t-mobile or Airtel number six support with iPhones withiPhones you're only able to view and place calls along with player musicunless if there's a b2 notifier app or something similar that works with it youneed that app on your phone to view notifications and send text messagesnumber seven texting is a joke if the watch doesn't have voice tappingrecognition that it's not worth using it for texting the reason is because thekeys are just way too small on these screens it's better to just view anytext message notification on the watch and reply through your phone numbereight good for basics as I've said before these smart watches don't havemuch to offer but they're good for doing simple things like making calls lookingat the time and viewing notifications I think they're a good choice to give to agift to a kid or for yourself if it's going to be your first SmartWatch thereason is because these smartwatches can help you get a feel for what you canexpect from a SmartWatch and think about whether to spend two to three hundreddollars is worth it later on now now all these things on the list will apply toall the smartwatches but this should help you get a better understanding ofwhat they're capable of leave a like if this video was helpful and subscribe ifyou want to see more.

Source: Youtube

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