Monday, January 1, 2018


this is tech lovers back with it a coolvideo and guys this video I'm unboxing the world's best rated SmartWatch and itcan compare the SmartWatch with Apple series 3 this not much has got 4 andupgrading compared to that so I'm saying like until my experience this watch isfar better than the happen 3 series so I'm going to unbox it in this videoin my next video we're going to brief about each and every specific like appand everything about the watch it's like a review video so for now let's go onwith these unboxing to the product after the intro so guys as you can see this is theproduct this is the person cube and the smartwatches and if you're wondering isthere only one no in puzzle there are many other models so this is one of themodel which I pick like this is the best model this is the Q lambda and it costedmirror 22 K but you'll get this for a highly discounted price I'll leave thelink in the description Elizabeth official Falls in our website link sothis is the pretty good talk Android watch I can say like compared to all thewatches which I love you I can just say this awesome so let's end this thing andlet's start with the unboxing surveys as you can see this is the SmartWatch thisis the Q R and a SmartWatch as you can see this is the fortune q and one morething which have to remember is in fossil all the smart watches like namestart from Q so that's easy to pick on I guess so this is the model name as youcan see here it's written as q Rhonda so this is the Q line the SmartWatch andthis is the pretty box like structure and nothing else so this is the normaldescription about this SmartWatch and I'm sure you can't create it becausemost of the writing part is in Chinese language so we have to see about thatbut the app which you install for this MOU arm smartwatches available in evenapps - like this watch is even comparable with apples oh that's amazingthat's pretty amazing I'm pressed by that so let's pop into the watchimmediately it's carefully open it okay we are good to go so let's keep the boxaside and firstly let's keep the watch aside because just let's see the box andlet's see what's inside the box so as you can see this is the box normally andjust don't care about this because I just resize my watch for my wrist andthis is the box and this is normally a box you just pull the watch and theseare the bills for which I bought the watch so these are personal stuff I'msorry I can't show you guys so this is we get two booklets one bookletis for the warranty guide and the other book list is the Quick Start Guide solet's see the Quick Start Guide for the first and then let's go up into thewarranty guide let's keep this box also said and this is the box for which youget a charger and actually moved it because it wasn't working I had toreturn it and play and another thing so it will take on the fridays to get so ican't show you but i keep a picture over here it looks um as you can see this isthe picture how would the charger looks so i guess i no need to again show youthe original charger how it looks so i'll just show you the box in which youget a package this is the normal box in which you get the charger so that'spretty much so now i let's pop into the Quick Start Guide so this is thewarranty information you get a big book it's just like a normal small notebookand I don't think so you have to read all the thing but at the last you get apage in which you have to sign it and if it's under one year as you can see thisis the page and if it's under one year you can get and replacement and also ifit's damaged you can get and fix you can get it fixed for free I guess you knowabout that so this is a Quick Start Guide and one thing which is surprisingit's the Quick Start Guide is very small compared to the pointing right so I'lljust show you as you can see this is the difference like this is around 10 pagesthis or 50 pages so that's amazing place the Quick Start Guide you have allnormal stuff and you get the all else you get an mobile app over here likewhich you have to download it so the mobile app name is frozen Q so on yupdown so as you can see this is the app and the app logo looks like this it'sname is false and Q or if you ask me which app download false and Q is not agood app I recommend you to download android fair which is amazing because itcan sync with every watch and that's amazing so this is pretty much for quickit just tells you how to operate a watch which I'm going to brief you about in mynext video for sure so now let's pop into the watch let's keep this all asidelet's pop into the watch so as you can see this is the Fazal SmartWatch andthis is pretty cool it's amazing you get also screen guard with it as you can seethere's a small reflection over here as you can see this is the screen guard I'msure you can see it right now so you get that screen guard for free have to notpay anything extra and I bought the gold and strap because I felt that's prettycool and I love gold stuff guys metallic band I guess so this is pretty cool andand the back you get the Fazal print over here this is pretty much of theexterior of the watch and this is pretty cool and you also get one earreplacement warranty stuff and you can also change a band so when you you havea small clip over here and if you just pinch this you can exchange the bandswith any suitable band you get for the fuzzles Smart Watch and one more goodthing is the color which is made for fadjen smart watches is like it matcheswith any bands so that's pretty cool and I'm thinking to buy an another strap formy watch but I'm not sure and this looks pretty cool and yeah that's it guy afterand my video over here I guess you enjoyed it and this is the pretty coolwatch in my next video I am going to brief about each and everything aboutthis watch so stay tuned and subscribe and you know what they happy you're thebest remember you're the best and pays.

Source: Youtube

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